Hey Kawaii-ers! I'm here with a DIY. I always carry band-aids with me, and carrying them without anything can crumple them, and when I carry them in an old medicine/pill case, people think I'm a pill-popper or drug dealer. So what can a kawaii-lover do to jazz things up and clear their name or false acusations? KAWAII-IFY IT! This easy DIY costs pretty much nothing, and can be used on pretty much any plastic surface. Enjoy!
Materials Needed:
-Orange pill case w/ cap
-Clear Nail Polish
-Nail Polish Color of Choice (I used black, but you can use pink, purple, blue, etc.)
-Kawaii sticker(s)
-Glitter, rhinestones, etc. (optional)
1)Paint the desired surface (pill cap and case, seperated) with the nail polish color of choice. Let dry
2) Once dry, put the sticker(s), glitter, rhinestones, etc. over the nail polish.
3)Paint a clear nail polish over the sticker(s) and colored polish. Let dry.
Show the world your kawaii band-aid case! Never be caught without 'em!
P.S. I took the pictures with my iPod touch, so the quality is meh. Sorry everyone!
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